These two separate videos showed the various nods and homages to American Werewolf in London made throughout the work of Edgar Wright (SpacedShaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz.) I did not think either of my vids was done very well. The first got blocked in Britain, where more people were likely to watch it. The second had no audio, since I couldn't find a clip of "Shaun" in any language other than German at the time. To put it bluntly, I could have done it better, and wish I had. 

This was, sadly, my most viewed original video of all time. Though "original" may be a stretch.

The video shows the famous transformation scene from American Werewolf in London, but replaces the normal audio with different music. In the movie, the song "Blue Moon" by Sam Cooke plays over the scene. Elmer Bernstein, the composer for the film, had written a musical score for the transformation, but Director John Landis chose not to use it.

The composition was performed and released by City Of Prague Philharmonic in 2005. My video synced this performance with the original scene to show what it may have been like with the composer's alternate music. However, the views came flooding in very quickly, and many, many people complained about my alterations. Since the point was not to show the scene out of context, and therefore keep people from watching the whole film, I pulled it. Too bad too. I liked it. 



A brief, stupid video of me playing the Trogdor game over on homestarrunner.com. The theme music plays over the video, and I totally fail at life when attempting to stomp peasants and burninate the thatch-roofed cottages.

The original descriptions reads: "Me playing Trogdor. Yeah, I was bored enough to record it... So?"

Aviation FAIL


This was a brief montage of early plane test footage set to the theme music of the film Airplane! Though I liked the video, and people thought it was funny, I did not compile the actually montage portion. I had borrowed it from another YouTube user. However, I forgot until later. It felt weird posting a video that was technically by someone else, even though dozens of people had used the exact same compilation of clips. Eventually though, my nagging weird feeling got the best of me and I removed it.